Wednesday, June 9, 2010
3:00 Welcome Holiday Inn Downtown
Introductions and Orientation
Victor Herbert, ACIA Executive Director,
Hurricane Katrina and the Near Death of a Great American City
Jed Horne, Author Breach of Faith, Random House, 2008
Group Discussion
6: 00 Reception and Dinner Sweet Lorraine’s Jazz Club
Judge Kern Reese, Civil District Court, New Orleans, LA
Thursday, June 10, 2010
8:00 Breakfast Holiday Inn Meeting Room
Katrina: A Civil Engineering Disaster
- Sandy Rosenthal, Director of
9:00 Tour of the Affected Area from Hurricane Katrina and the Flooding Afterwards
11:00 Assembly Greater King Solomon Fellowship Hall
Community Roundtable: Where are the Displaced and Why are they not Returning?
- Harold Toussaint
- Parnell Herbert
- Reverend Aldon Cotton
- Denise Johnson
- Mitchell Crusto, Moderator
12:30 Lunch Greater King Solomon Fellowship Hall
1:30 Return to Holiday Inn Downtown
2:00 Historical Perspective on Displacement and Recovery
- Steve Gorelick, Hunter College
- Glenn Corbett, John Jay College
- John Ryan, Virginia Institute of Technology
3:30 Break
4:00 Mental Health Impact of Displacement
- D’Ann Penner, Scholar in Residence, Tulane University
- Gerard Fromm, Austen Riggs Center
- Reverend Michael Jacques, Pastor, St. Peter Claver Church
7:00 Dinner and Reception Dooky Chase Restaurant
Community Consequences of Displacement and Recovery
- Dr. Keith C. Ferdinand, Clinical Professor of Cardiology, Emory University
- Dr. Sandro Cinti, Associate Professor of Infectious Diseases and Internal Medicine, University of Michigan
Friday, June 11, 2010
8:00 Breakfast and ACIA Council Meeting Holiday Inn Downtown
9:00 Refugee Rescue and Recovery
- Arnessa Garret , Editor, Daily Advertiser, Dart Society Board of Directors
- John McCusker, Photojournalist, Dart Society
11:00 Lessons Learned and Questions for Research
- Pamela Jenkins, University of New Orleans
- Salomon Guajardo, John Jay College
- William Pammer, John Jay College
- Denise Thompson, John Jay College
- Mitchell Crusto, Loyola School of Law
12:30 Lunch and Adjournment